Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas
City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Jason Hanson's Case May Have Been Compromised
Requests made to move investigation from local police to FBI after
mysterious visit by LVMPD Abuse and Neglect Detail officer
"She (the officer) said there was no evidence that (Jared)
Shafer did anything underhanded
and was just doing his job like he was
supposed to." - Jason Hanson, victim of exploitation
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller April 10, 2017
LAS VEGAS - In the highly publicized case of guardianship fraud
involving 27 year old cerebral palsy victim Jason Hanson, a cryptic
Facebook message posted on Friday, April 7 is causing wide spread concern:
Hanson informed INSIDE VEGAS that the
plain clothes officer did not show her badge or credentials during her
visit to his workplace at Opportunity Village. She also reportedly gave Hanson her personal private phone number instead of
her LVMPD office or cell number which raises the question whether she was visiting Jason on her own time, or Metro's?
Hanson told INSIDE VEGAS, "I did not bring up any names. She accused Steve Miller and Becky Olvera Schultz (daughter of guardianship fraud victim Guadalupe Olvera) of not having the complete story and only using parts to help with their own crusades against Shafer."
"The officer said Steve Miller didn't know how to read court
documents or was intentionally misreading them to twist my story
"She didn't seem to think Shafer was an upstanding citizen but she
seemed to think Miller and Olvera Schultz had some personal grudge against
him. She said that Steve and Shafer had once been friends and they had
a falling out and since then Steve has wanted to take Shafer down," stated Hanson.
Hanson continued, "I was at my father's home about 2 or 3 weeks prior
to his death and the home didn't look bad. It didn't smell." Jared Shafer and I attended the same high school in the early1960's, but
never had a personal friendship. Mrs. Olvera Schultz is reserving
comment until after she consults with her attorney. Her family is currently suing Jared Shafer et al in U.S. Federal Court
under the Civil RICO Act for violating her father's civil rights and
bilking over $430,000 from his estate. I have never met or talked
to the police officer who visited Jason, though its obvious she has
spoken with Shafer.
Sources at LVMPD have informed INSIDE VEGAS that the female officer who
visited Hanson is the same officer who is investigating the Guadalupe
Olvera guardianship fraud case
against Shafer.
Court Minutes of June 13, 2006 show
the names of parties who were court appointed to protect Hanson's person and
assets during the nine years when hundreds of thousands of dollars were stolen from his
inheritance. .... (L to R) Elyse Tyrell, Francis Fine, Jared Shafer, Judge Charles Hoskin, Hearing Master Jon Norheim According to KTNV TV News
that is closely following Jason's story, "Former Clark
County Public Administrator Jared Shafer was also involved in Jason's
case. At one time, Shafer employed convicted private guardian
Patience Bristol, who's now in prison for stealing cash, jewelry and
more from her wards."
The story of Jason Hanson has taken
an interesting turn. Last week, his foster mother Susan Rousselle pleaded guilty
to stealing around $40,000 from Jason's trust and is awaiting
sentencing. Part of her plea bargain was that she agree to pay Jason $40,000 in
restitution. Some believe this was supposed to be the end of this
case, though the trust Rousselle looted contained over $90,000. and the remaining $50,000 has never been accounted for.
Jared Shafer, Elyse Tyrell, and Francis Fine were the acting trustees
of Jason's inheritance during the time Rousselle was using it as her
personal ATM. None of these "trustees" attempted to pursue the stolen
funds or report the theft to the court. And then there's the house
Jason was supposed to inherit. It was a 1,200 sq. ft. wheelchair
accessible condo in a gated community. Shafer sold it for only $47,000
- and kept the proceeds. In his records, Shafer said he paid a
crew $3,400 to clean the house and make it ready for sale. Comparable
sales in the same gated community within one year of Jason's house
being sold ranged from $85,000 through $174,000. What happened to
the $47,000 Shafer received, and why was it sold far under market value
without Jason's consent? The questions were never answered
because Family Court Hearing Master Jon Norheim and his boss Judge
Charles Hoskin violated Nevada law by not requiring a final accounting
when they closed Jason's guardianship in 2015.
Why was Jason under guardianship for eight years after he turned
18? He is gifted intellectually and was fully capable of handling
his own financial affairs after he became of legal age in 2007.
Why was he not provided a court appointed attorney when he requested one on Feb. 5, 2014 in Jon Norheim's court? In his confidential testimony before the Clark County Grand Jury
in March 2017 pertaining to Jason's case, on page 43, Hearing Master
Norheim stated, "They have a right to an attorney under statute. The
problem is that it's an unfunded statutory requirement so there's no
actual attorneys to appoint for free. Now if you can afford an
attorney, great, no problem, but if you can't, we typically, I believe
we got every single person who walked in and requested an attorney, we
managed to somehow get an attorney for."
Why was Hanson denied an attorney? Where were the family court
judges who appointed the guardians and trustees who looted Hanson's
meager estate? Where were the police?
Jason's foster mother was the low hanging fruit. What about the
mastermind and his crew of attorney/trustees? And why did a
police woman possibly try to influence Jason's opinion of Shafer?
Did this video statement by Hanson viewed by thousands inspire her visit?
The Clark
County District Attorney, Nevada Attorney General, and Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police Department must realize this is only the beginning
when it
comes to providing justice for the horrific crimes committed to Jason
Hanson and others under color of arcane Nevada laws. If they don't, its
time they step down and let federal authorities take over (as occurred
in the Crazy Horse Too case in 2002 after local and state authorities dropped the ball).
Subsequently, its
possible there are persons who wish for this and other cases
involving certain politically connected private guardians and their
enablers on the Clark County Family Court bench to just go away.
Or some may actually be involved in witness tampering. Its time
for federal intervention. Jason's and other guardianship exploitation
cases fully qualify under federal RICO and ADA laws and should be
prosecuted by the DOJ away from the politically sensitive local courts.
Jared Shafer owns Signs of Nevada, LLC, His political signs are coveted by candidates for judgeships in Southern Nevada.
After having a day to think it over, Hanson lived up to his nickname
"Rambo In A Wheelchair." He used his voice recognition software at 6:11 pm on Saturday, April 8 to post this follow up message on his Facebook page:
Hopefully, the FBI is paying very close attention. - Steve Miller