after receiving
the letter via USPS & E-MAIL, Barrier's attorneys filed a second
RESTRAINING ORDER for his safety.

Based on Barrier's
Restraining Orders, Bart has been unable to give daytime
tours. Why U.S. Marshals allowed such a person to accompany potential
buyers is still a mystery?
It's no secret that Barrier and this writer strongly feel it would be a
great public service for the government to
raze the building and put an end to this nonsense just as the feds did
under similar circumstances to the
Club in Atlanta. This is the only way to put an end to what
happened to beating victims
Henry and
Fau. If not, with Bart Rizzolo's help to sell the club at top
dollar, it's more than obvious the new owner will opt to continue the
profitable methods Bart's family used to become filthy rich, and
more Kirk Henrys and and Scott Faus will suffer the consequences.
The only deterrent that has so far kept this from happening is Jim
Barrier. A former pro wrestler, Barrier has never been intimidated by
the Mob's next door presence. Barrier's garage has occupied the same
space since 1976, and his lease runs until July 2009. At that time,
Barrier anticipates moving to another location. When this occurs, and
without his constant vigilance, the Mob will be free to resume bashing
heads for profit, selling dope and prostitutes, and money laundering --
the Rizzolo's forte.
The bar's
adult use zoning should have quietly expired
on December 30, 2007, making this story unnecessary, but Councilwoman
Lois Tarkanian as a favor to the Rizzolo family sponsored a custom
designed ordinance at the eleventh hour in November
to extend the time a non-conforming grandfathered
use could remain dark and still maintain
its privileged zoning. Thanks to Tarkanian's efforts, the Crazy Horse
now has until June 30 to reopen.
When confronted about her favor, Lois told an INSIDE VEGAS source,
"Please ask Steve not to publish this in Newport Beach. That's where
all Jerry's friends live."
The Councilwoman was referring to her husband former UNLV basketball
coach Jerry Tarkanian who has a vacation home in Newport near that of
Bart's imprisoned son Rick
Rizzolo and many of his closest friends.
But based on recent events, even the Tarkanian's obvious favor might
not help to keep the Crazy Horse alive. More later.
"He's very Industry friendly" to porno
film makers
As if our city doesn't have enough problems, our mayor is
encouraging porno film makers to relocate here according to XBIZ, the
porn industry's official website. In the meantime, Las Vegas lacks
diversification, and discourages clean high tech industry from
relocating here because of his official actions and our town's lack of
interest in higher education.
Most LV high school graduates are encouraged to go to trade school
instead of a university because local blue collar jobs are more
plentiful and pay more than most starting positions for those with
degrees. Meanwhile, the casinos fight every effort to increase the
gross gaming tax to pay for schools.
After reading the following article, it's easy to understand why
our city has become such a one horse town.
Oscar B. Goodman
By David Houston
February 13, 2006
A few years ago, city lawmakers urged Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman
to crack down on the legendary Crazy Horse Too, where they claimed
prostitution was taking place. Instead, the mayor proposed the strip
club be allowed to expand. Goodman also led an effort to lower the
legal age for Vegas strippers from 21 to 18, figuring the city should
"not make some big fuss as to what some 18-year-old girl is doing to
make a living."
All of this and a proud habit of swilling gin and escorting
Playboy Playmates around town has made Goodman America's favorite bad
boy politician. And at a time when California lawmakers talk about
enacting new regulations on the adult film industry, Goodman's actions
have fueled speculation he might be gearing up to lure one of the San
Fernando Valley's biggest economic engines to Las Vegas.
"We're an adult community, an adult playland," Goodman said
not long ago. "Let's not pretend to be something we're not. I think
anything that's legal should be here."
The mayor's position is good news for folks at the Free
Speech Coalition, the adult industry's lobbying arm.
"He's very industry friendly," Tom Hymes, spokesman for the
FSC, said of Goodman.
Not everybody is happy about what Goodman is doing.
Steve Miller, a former Las Vegas councilman and a persistent
critic of the mayor, said what Goodman is doing "is immoral."
"Goodman welcomes everything that's distasteful elsewhere to
come our city," Miller said. "With his lack of scruples, it would not
surprise me to see him welcome porn studios to Las Vegas. Why not? He
condones everything else that's legal without regard for public health
and safety."
Goodman's response to his critics? "Get a life."
there's ever been an example of a night club being
jinxed, this is it!
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve 2007

Saturday Night, January 12, 2008

The building is infested with
rats and scorpions, covered
with graffiti, strewn with trash, and looks like a ghost town. Hundreds
of lights are
burned out and the homeless have taken over the parking lots
behind the building and under the Sahara overpass. Even with Bart
Rizzolo's exceptional janitorial skills, the place still looks like a

The word "SLUT" is
spray painted across
the crotch of the photo of a long gone dancer adjacent to the main
entrance, along with other obscenities painted on the golden front
Stick a fork in this blood and semen stained joint, its done!
But the federal government doesn't seem to understand and insists on
keeping the lights and telephones on and paying for 24 hour armed
security guards who pretend to guard the public's property while
sleeping in their cars!
Meanwhile, the only business thriving on the property is owned by Rick
Rizzolo's worst enemy, Buffalo Jim Barrier, whose auto garage is doing
a record business.
At the same time in history while our federal government doesn't have
the funds to secure our southern
borders, they flaunt public funds trying to keep a shuttered topless
bar's lights burning every night for over 6 1/2 months, or at least
until Rick Rizzolo is released from prison on April 4, three days after
April Fools Day.
Feds are Beating a dead horse - again
Only in Nevada would a shut down titty bar be treated like a national
treasure, and a convicted racketeer be treated like some kind of a hero
at taxpayer expense!
But it's not the first time. After losing a tax fraud case in 1990,
Conforte's Mustang Ranch brothel was seized by the federal
government. The feds soon failed in an attempt to run the brothel to
pay Conforte’s back taxes. The government padlocked it and announced a
sale. Joe Conforte fled the United States and moved to Brazil. The
brothel was bought by a holding company (a front for Conforte) and
reopened. The Brazil supreme court ruled in the same year that Conforte
could not be extradited.
Coincidentally, every potential Crazy Horse buyer presented by C.B.
Richard Ellis Realty to the U.S. Department of Justice has flaked out.
All the while the market value of the entity creeps closer each day to
the government's appraisal of $4.6 million as warehouse-only property.
Even with Rick Rizzolo about to step out of prison on April 4th, the
value keeps plummeting unless someone can be convinced to over pay for
the property as was the case when the Mustang Ranch was sold to a
Conforte front man.
Maybe when his Coming Home parties in Newport Beach and Las Vegas are
over, Rick Rizzolo will quietly be asked by his lackey in the U.S.
Attorney's Office to step in to help find a buyer willing to over pay
up to five times the appraised value to keep U.S. Judge Philip Pro from
seizing tens of millions of dollars worth of personal assets Rizzolo
and his wife hid weeks before he was indicted.
As was the case with the Mustang Ranch, government officials are
falling on their swords trying to sell the Crazy Horse for five times
its appraised value. They're even burning the expensive lights and
keeping the PBX telephone system on to make it look like it's open for
Unfortunately, the lights and outgoing phone message may entice
unknowing tourists to go to the club thinking it's open, and
inadvertently venture into one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in
If you call the place today at 702-382-8003, the government pays for a
sultry greeting recorded by Bart's daughter
Annette Patterson: "Welcome
to the world famous Crazy Horse Too Gentleman's Club, the home of the
best entertainment in Las Vegas and voted the number one gentleman's
club for twenty consecutive years."
Annette goes on (at U.S. Government expense) to say; "The Crazy Horse
has been featured in Playboy's guide to men's clubs. For the location,
hours, and costs, please press one now. For billing inquiries press two
now. For the DJs press three now. For information on work availability
press four now. For lost and found press five. For the Emperor's Room
press six. For the shift manager press seven. For the business offices
press eight. For the operator and all other inquiries press nine."
I pressed nine expecting Daniel Hollingsworth to answer, but instead I
received an endless loop message from Annette saying the Crazy Horse is
open 24 hours per day seven days a week with sexy music playing in the
This very
false advertising is provided at
taxpayer's expense courtesy of the United States of America!
In past months, Daniel Hollingsworth tried to seal the names of
potential buyers of the shuttered saloon, and expressed that Rick
Rizzolo would have the right to approve the buyer from his prison cell
at the
Angeles Federal Detention Center.
In a totally amazing
he filed with Judge Pro on August 13, 2007, Hollingsworth made this
plea: "The general public should not be allowed to know the proposed
offers. the proprietary information, etc., since (Rick) Rizzolo will
select one to see if it will complete the sale. If it fails, Rizzolo
will select the next one."
Judge Pro denied his MOTION. But that didn't discourage Hollingsworth
from trying to keep his and Rizzolo's negotiations from the public. On
November 27, 2007, the
Las Vegas
Review-Journal reported:
"Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Hollingsworth said the name of the
potential buyer will be kept under wraps until the deal is finalized.
Hollinsworth said the buyers have already been harassed and any further
problems could cause the sale to fall apart. He didn't elaborate on the
nature of the harassment."
brings to mind the
day Rick Rizzolo was dealt a suspiciously light sentence. He received
one year and one day when the maximum sentence available was five
years. Mr.
Hollingsworth was observed shaking the convicted felon's hand as
he left the courtroom -- a picture worth a thousand words.
And Hollingsworth was indirectly referring to me
when he said his buyers were being harassed -- all
of whom turned out to be total flakes. I admit having my INSIDE VEGAS
columns hand delivered to every buyer on his secret list on a weekly
basis because I believe they have the right to know what they're
getting in to.
Instead of soliciting help from the public who probably know more about
his secret buyers than he does, Hollingsworth wants us to trust that
he'll filter out the Mob straw men as the feds promised with the
Mustang Ranch case. However, because of his quest for secrecy, I can't
help but question Hollingsworth's motivation.
Meanwhile, despite Hollingsworth's best efforts, information regarding
whether or not a qualified buyer has surfaced is coming from
consistently reliable sources. As of today, I've been told by several
sources that all deals are off. Only Rick Rizzolo being back on the
street around April Fools Day can salvage Hollingsworth's burning
desire to sell the place for $28 million plus, I'm told, and he'll now
three additional months to do this thanks to Councilwoman Tarkanian's
new law.
Also, the Crazy Horse will have been dark for ten months when Rick gets
out -- a life time in the strip club business.
Come April 4, Rizzolo starts his four year supervised parole that
requires he "not own or
operate or have any involvement with any strip clubs or similar
businesses involved in pornography or erotic entertainment or media in
the United States and its territories for the rest of his life."
If a new self financed buyer suddenly emerges to bail Rizzolo out and
buy the Crazy Horse at five times appraised value, the honest feds and
Judge Pro should immediately raise a big red flag. Especially since
January 11 when
opened a brand new 40,000 square foot gentleman's club not far from the
forgotten Crazy Horse Too.
And if Mr. Hollingsworth recommends to Judge Pro that he approve a new
sale within days or weeks of April Fools Day, then my suspicion about
the Assistant U.S. Attorney for Nevada will be validated. It will be
too obvious that Rizzolo pulled the buyer out of his bag of tricks with
Hollingsworth's full cooperation.
Ultimately, Judge Philip Pro holds the key.
If Judge Pro wisely rejects such an offer, it will also be up to him to
pierce Rizzolo's five LLC's and two Trusts that were set up by
brother of a fellow Federal Court Judge, and pay Rizzolo's $28
million dollars in debts from the sale of his liquidated assets.
For Rizzolo to have hired the brother of a another Federal Court Judge
as his asset protection attorney, and the fact that the attorney's
brother was appointed to the Federal bench by U.S. Senator Harry Reid
who is the business partner of
Horse attorney Jay Brown who is the law partner of Mayor Oscar
Goodman, is one of the most clever schemes ever concocted to help a
crook keep his ill gotten fortune. It was obviously connived with the
anticipation that another Federal Court Judge would not want to
embarrass a colleague.
That said, no matter how embarrassing it may be for Judge Pro's
colleague on the Federal bench to have this information surface, Judge
Pro must pierce the protective vales set up by his fellow judge's
brother, and recover and liquidate Rizzolo's hidden assets, pay the
creditors, and let this bullshit end once and for all before the U.S.
government becomes a laughing stock for the second time.
© Steve Miller