Jared E. Shafer's Bad Laws
the Bilking of Las Vegas
(L to R) Guardianship Commissioner
Jon Norheim - 2012, Mob Lawyer Jon Norheim with
clients Ralph and Rick
Rizzolo - 2007
(Photo by Buffalo Jim Barrier)
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
September 8, 2014
LAS VEGAS - It has become very apparent
that a select group of private for-hire "guardians" control at least two
judges sitting on the Clark County Family Court bench; Judge Charles Hoskin,
and his appointed "Guardianship Commissioner" Jon Norheim.
VIDEO of private guardian Jared E. Shafer ordering Norheim to close
the court to the public during the discussion of $500,000.00 missing from
his ward's estate.)
Nevada Revised Statutes permit Hoskin and
Norheim to summarily approve the quasi-legal enrichment of private court
appointed guardians who exploit the elderly and infirm. However, It has
not yet been determined if Hoskin and Norheim personally share in exploitation
of the life savings of many "wards" they assigned to an unscrupulous group
of local for-hire guardians who feed off of ill-informed residents of our
city's two Sun City developments (Las
Vegas' Death Watch).
In an effort to find answers to the legality
question, I contacted current Clark County Public Administrator John Cahill.
He told INSIDE VEGAS: "....action in all cases are reviewed in detail by
the Court in a petition, and actions approved and ordered are carried out."
By his answer, Cahill obviously believes
that the orders of county Family Court judges and commissioners are beyond
(Jared Shafer has ignored repeated requests
by INSIDE VEGAS to tell his side of this story.)
However, an extensive investigation is
underway that may determine if the jurists (and Cahill) ever profited from
numerous highly questionable court rulings that favored guardians, and
cost family members who dared question their power tens of thousands in
legal expenses.
The following Nevada statutes may pose
a serious threat to Las Vegas' second largest industry; retirement.
If these statutes and their peril are made
known to wealthy people living outside Nevada who are considering a move
to one of our city's posh retirement communities, they should take heed,
especially if they have no relatives living in this state to care for them
in the event their spouse passes away (poor people are not appointed private
Sec. 35. NRS
159.059: Except as otherwise provided in NRS 159.0595,
qualified person or entity that
court finds suitable may serve
a guardian. A person is not qualified
to serve as a guardian who:
Is a nonresident of this State
(emphasis added)
Sec. 30. NRS
159.0487 Any court of
competent jurisdiction may appoint:
Guardians of the person, of the estate, or of the person
and estate for
incompetents or minors
home state is this State.
159.117 1. Upon approval
of the court by order, a guardian
the estate may: (a) Invest
the property of the ward, make loans
and accept security therefor,
in the manner and to the extent
authorized by the court.
(b) Exercise options of the ward to
purchase or exchange securities
or other property.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and except
for a sale pursuant
to NRS 159.123 or 159.142, a guardian may
real property of a ward only after notice of the sale
is published
in: (a) A newspaper
that is published in the county in which the property,
or some portion
of the property, is located;
Sec. 38. NRS 159.076 2. If the
court grants a summary administration,
the court may: (a)
the guardian of the estate or special guardian
who is authorized to manage the wards property to
convert the property
to cash and sell any of
the property, with or without notice, as the court
may direct. After the
payment of all claims and the expenses of the
the guardian shall deposit the money in savings accounts
or invest the money
as provided in NRS 159.117, and hold the investment
and all interest, issues, dividends and profits for the
benefit of the ward.
The court may dispense
with annual accountings and all other
proceedings required by this
Statutes of Nevada, Page 1639
Section 1. Chapter
159 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto
the provisions: Sec.
4. 1. A court may find that
a petitioner is a
litigant if a person, other than
the ward: (a) Files a
which is without merit or intended to harass or annoy
guardian; and 2. If
a court finds a person is a vexatious
pursuant to subsection 1, the court may
impose sanctions
the petitioner in an amount sufficient to
reimburse the estate
the ward for all or part of the expenses incurred by the estate
the ward to defend the petition, to respond to
the petition and
any other pecuniary losses which are associated with the petition.
The above laws were custom designed by
for-hire "guardian" Jared E. Shafer and his associates.
Inc. for-hire "Guardians" Jared Shafer and Patience Bristol, Amy Deittrick
- PFSN office
manager/bookkeeper and manager
of Signs of Nevada, LLC (political
advertising signs)
NRS 159.059, and NRS 159.0487 legally prohibited
nonresident of this State, the only living child of 95 year
old WWII hero Guadalupe Olvera, from moving him back to California to spend
his final years in the care of his loving family. In this court video entitled
Guardian Abuse of
93 Year Old WWII Vet By Las Vegas Corrupt Family Court System and Jared
E. Shafer, Olvera is patronized by Guardianship Commissioner Norheim,
Shafer, and Shafer's attorney Alan Freer when Olvera pleaded to be allowed
to leave Nevada. Shortly after his plea was ignored, Olvera moved to California
against court orders, and Shafer had Judge Hoskin issue a Contempt of Court
warrant for his daughter, later saying Olvera's daughter "kidnapped" her
father and she should be arrested. However, California courts refused to
honor the warrant.
Three years after he escaped Shafer's custody,
a California Superior Court judge reinstated Olvera's civil rights
and terminated the California conservatorship Shafer forced on Olvera as
a condition to terminate his Nevada guardianship. In the meantime, Shafer
and his actions led to the bleeding of over $420,000.00 from Mr. Olvera's
trust and bank accounts, and Olvera is presently suing Shafer and his associates
for civil RICO in U.S. Federal Court. (Las
Vegas "guardian" Jared E. Shafer sued for "embezzling" $420,000.00 from
95 year old former "ward")
NRS159.117 permits the guardian to legally
or exchange securities with their ward's money. In 2009, Jared
Shafer and his CPAs Shawn King and Bruce Gamett invested PFSN ward's
savings into a Utah Ponzi scheme called VesCor and received commission
payments for those referrals. They were sued by the receiver for VesCor
who stated: "The transfers of commissions from VesCor constitute fraudulent
transfers... at a time when the investors were on notice of VesCor's insolvency
or fraud." The SEC said that (defendants) "offered and sold approximately
$180 million in unregistered notes to more than 800 investors, many of
whom were senior citizens." To avoid criminal prosecution, Shafer, et.
al. returned the fraudulently transferred money to the accounts of his
PFSN, Inc. wards who were unaware their funds had been invested in a Ponzi
scheme. (MORE
INFORMATION about the Ponzi scheme.)

the late Leann Peccole-Goorjain's case, .NRS 159.076 legally Authorize(d)
the guardian of the estate ... to manage the wards property, to
convert the property to cash and sell any of the property, with or without
notice, as the court may direct. After the payment of all claims and the
expenses of the guardianship... The court may dispense with annual accountings.
Three years before Leann died on
February 24, 2008 leaving a multi-million dollar estate, the Family Court
placed her into the guardianship of Jared Shafer. That was in 2005 when
Leann was deemed a vulnerable person.
Six and one half years after her death,
Jared Shafer - without being required to file annual accountings, continues
with Court approval to drain Leann's estate of hundreds of thousands of
dollars each year. Her oblivious family told INSIDE VEGAS they were
(erroneously) told Shafer is an attorney, and their loved one's fortune
is in good hands. (Read: Grave
Robbery Under Color of Law.)
159.1425 allowed Jared Shafer to legally sell
the real property of a ward, Cerebral Palsy victim Jason Hanson
(left). In a video by INSIDE VEGAS photographer Mike Christ entitled
Guardian Jared E.
Shafer Exploits Special Needs Trust, 25 year old Hanson testifies that
he never saw a penny of the proceeds from Shafer's sale of his late father's
house and furnishings. (The
Jason Hanson - Jared E. Shafer Story)
There are many more cases such as that
of the late Marcy
Dudeck who at 91 was allowed to die of dehydration under Jared Shafer's
care. In her case as with too many others now coming to light, Shafer spent
Dudeck's savings to pay for his own defense against her family who wanted
her to live near them in California. The family could not stop Shafer until
he had depleted all of Mrs. Dudeck's resources paying himself and his over
priced attorney friends to make Marcy and her family miserable for taking
him on.
In Mr. Olvera's case, Shafer again bled
Olvera's family trust to pay himself and his attorneys to try to keep the
man in Las Vegas against his will until he too would suffer a complete
liquidation of his assets and real estate.
Since I began writing on this subject in
2013, I have learned that many more cases of elder abuse and exploitation
have occurred in Las Vegas, but because some family members are afraid
of becoming the victim of an expensive SLAPP
suit, or afraid a compromised family court judge will force them to
pay a crooked guardian's defense attorney under Section 1. Chapter 159
of NRS, they have hesitated contacting the media or organizations such
as the National Association To
Stop Guardian Abuse. Thankfully, because of national attention
being brought to this subject, many more such cases are becoming known,
and witnesses are less fearful of legal threats if they go public with
their stories.
I sincerely believe that based on upcoming
media exposure, many of the persons identified in this article will rightfully
end up in prison for their sins against the elderly and disabled.
Exemplified by the Dudeck and Olvera cases,
and so many more, Las Vegas private guardians and their stooges in Clark
County Family Court will not let go of a ward until the ward's fortune
has been depleted in ways no ethical person could imagine. Too many families
have lost their spirit fighting against crooks who used loved one's life
savings to pay their shyster lawyers in a kangaroo court several miles
from the glittering Las Vegas Strip. And this all happens under the color
of existing Nevada law.
And if a family member dares take legal
action to try to protect a loved one in Clark County Family Court, NRS
Chapter 159 can be enlisted to financially sanction relatives who filed
lawsuits against court appointed local guardians. The law is designed to
punish family members who a judge or guardianship commissioner arbitrarily
determine filed "vexatious" litigation to "harass" or "annoy" a for-hire
guardian. In all cases I have investigated, attorneys for guardians
have labeled family members who attempt to terminate a Nevada guardianship
as "exploiters" or "unfit." After the judge or guardianship commissioner
invariably agrees with the guardian and makes a determination that the
legal action was brought to harass or annoy the guardian, the family can
be forced under NRS Chapter 159 to pay the legal defense fees of the crooked
private guardian they sued. No other class of private business is
protected in this way.
A harassment and annoyance case is currently
winding its way through the Clark County Family Court system, and Commissioner
Norheim has been chosen to preside even though he also presided over the
case that is the subject of the lawsuit. INSIDE VEGAS will report on this
obvious SLAPP suit and Norheim's conflict of interest as soon as more information
becomes available.
Many complaints have been filed against
Shafer and his associates with Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto,
and Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson. There have also been
Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission complaints filed against Judge Hoskin
and Commissioner Norheim, but all complaints have been ignored so far.
Cortez-Masto and Wolfson have reportedly utilized signs from Signs of Nevada,
LLC during their elections. In 1973, then-Clark County Commissioner Manny
Cortez appointed Jared Shafer as the first county Public Guardian.
Cortez was the father of current Nevada A.G. Catherine Cortez-Masto. Current
Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson also appears to have an alliance
to Shafer. Wolfson
without explanation dropped 19 of 20 felony charges against Patience
Bristol, a former PFSN private guardian and Shafer protégé
who is currently serving 5-8 years for exploiting PFSN, Inc. wards. You
can do the math.
After a stint in the US Air Force stationed
at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Shafer went to work for RomAmer Pharmaceuticals,
the importer and distributor of Gerovital, a purported anti-aging drug
taken Intravenously. After the Food and Drug Administration prohibited
the importation of the Romanian made product saying it caused seizures,
Shafer left RomAmer to be appointed Clark County Public Administrator/Public
Guardian where he remained until 2003 when he opened his private
fudiciary/political sign business.
Shafer illegally commingles funds from a company known as Signs of Nevada,
LLC, with funds from his
in his PFSN, Inc. bank account. Commingling of a ward's funds is a violation
of NRS 159.073 (III) (IV)
Utilizing political connections and the
sign business operated out of his PFSN office, Shafer and his crew
fashioned the outrageous Nevada laws custom designed to protect their ability
through court-given power of attorney to completely control the lives and
fortunes of wealthy transplants from other states who want to spend their
remaining years living peacefully in one of our city's beautiful master
planned retirement communities.
Instead, because they were not forewarned
before moving to Nevada that they can lose all their civil rights if they
lack a qualified relative living in this state to care for them in the
event their spouse dies leaving them sizable assets, and an unelected "Guardianship
Commissioner" is informed of the death and deems the surviving spouse unfit
to handle his or her own affairs then assigns a private-guardian you can
never get rid of. Hapless senior citizens are often forced to become wards
of organized crime, and can do nothing to stop unscrupulous guardians from
exploiting their wealth because such exploitation is court-sanctioned by
jurists such as Hoskin and Norheim.
Unless our state's legislature, Attorney
General, and Clark County District Attorney have been bought off by cheap
or donated A-frame political signs, the laws that make the above described
exploitation possible must be repealed from the Nevada Revised Statutes
during our 2015 legislative session, or Las Vegas' second largest industry
- retirement - could be adversely effected if no changes occur, and the
word gets out.
Pitfalls of Guardianship
Very Dangerous Nevada Law
Jared E. Shafer