The Jason
Hanson - Jared E. Shafer Story
"Special Administrator" Jared
E. Shafer takes house and
inheritance from 24 year
old man with cerebral palsy
"All I wanted to do was go
home, but Shafer takes fervent joy in
destroying people's lives."
Jason Hanson (Videos Included)
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
March 3, 2014
LAS VEGAS - The word sociopath is
a noun meaning: Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal.
Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without
concern for the effects of their behavior on others.
This is the story of how Jason Hanson lost
his inheritance, and hopefully its telling will lead to the prosecution
of the sociopaths who profited from Jason's suffering.
In 2008, Jason's father Gerhard Hanson
died without a will, but before his death told his only child, then-18
year old Jason who was born with cerebral palsy, that he would someday
inherit his 1257 square foot three bedroom, two bath single story ADA compliant
town house, built in 1992 in a gated community in Southwest Las Vegas,
along with approximately $50,000 in savings.
Six years after his father's death, Jason
is almost penniless, lives at taxpayer's expense in a group home with four
other special needs residents, and is a client at *Opportunity
This week, Jason told INSIDE VEGAS that
Jared Shafer of Professional Fiduciary Services
of Nevada, Inc. never gave him his inheritance.
Sadly, this was not the first time such
a heinous accusation was made by an heir of one of Shafer's scandal
plagued Clark County Family Court appointed wards or special needs
Several years before Gerhard Hanson's death,
his son - then a minor - became a special needs ward of the State
of Nevada because his father's acute alcoholism kept him from adequately
caring for his son's needs. For several years Jason, who is very intelligent,
was shuffled between Child Haven, foster care, and group homes. Today,
Jason, a part time college student, is just learning what happened to his
father's estate including his childhood home that he had every legal right
to inherit and live in. Instead, according to Jason, his father's
$50,000 life's savings is missing, and Shafer sold Jason's house for fifty
cents on the dollar without his knowledge or consent, and kept the sale
proceeds saying they were used to make the house salable.
"My father's house sold for forty seven
thousand dollars. I've never seen a penny of that. It was a beautiful house.
It was worth all the money in the world to me. I grew up there. I grew
up there. For sixteen years I lived in that house.
In July 2008, my father died unexpectedly
and I got a call from Shafer on the telephone telling me that my father
unfortunately passed. He didn't have the nerve to come and talk to me in
person and tell me to my face that my father had died, He called over to
where I was living at the time and told me over the telephone. And then
he told me that the cost to fix up the house would have been worth more
than the cost of the actual house itself. And I naturally believed him
because I was just an eighteen year old kid who had just lost my father,
I was grief stricken and I had lost the most important man in the world
to me and I didn't know what to do so naturally I thought this man had
my best interest at heart, so I let him take care of things. But I've come
to realize that Jared Shafer and people like him only have their best interest
at heart. Jared Shafer is a thief, a crook, and if I believed in the devil,
he would certainly look a lot like Jared Shafer.
I don't understand how people like him
can go to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I understand that people
want to get rich here in America, that's one of the great things about
capitalism, but if you want to get rich, do it on your own! Don't piggyback
on people! Don't get rich off other people! Do it on your own!"
(Please CLICK
HERE to view Part One of an INSIDE VEGAS video by Mike Christ where
Jason tells his story in his own words)
person who for "for good and valuable consideration," "for the benefit
of Jason Hanson" transferred the full title of Jason's house to Shafer,
a private for-hire fiduciary, was current Clark
County Public Administrator (P.A.) John Cahill (left). According to
Nevada law, the public administrator may secure the property of a deceased
person if the administrator finds that: "There are no relatives of the
deceased who are able to protect the property," i.e., Cahill found that
Jason, who was an adult at the time of his father's death and is intellectually
gifted and capable of handling his own financial affairs, was not able
to protect his property, so Cahill appointed his friend Jared Shafer to
do a better job.
Six years later, Jason Hanson is still
waiting to receive any portion of his inheritance and is living at taxpayer
expense somewhere other than where he'd like to be.
John Cahill was the hand picked successor
to Shafer's previous hand picked P.A. Dan Ahlstrom who succeeded
Shafer as the elected county P.A. Ahlstrom,
a former Las Vegas justice of the peace, in 1996 pleaded guilty to committing
a felony, forcing him to resign after 18 years on the bench. Despite the
scandal, Ahlstrom bounced back with Shafer's help and was elected P.A.
in 2002 after Shafer went into private practice. Ahlstrom did not
seek re-election, so Shafer helped Cahill get elected in 2006 to replace
him where he's faithfully served the public (and Shafer) ever since.
Cahill's signature is obediently on the document (below) transferring
Jason Hanson's house to Shafer "for the benefit of Jason Hanson"
-- NOT for the benefit of Jared Shafer!
(INSIDE VEGAS went to the Clark County
Assessor's website and pulled up information on the six most recent sales
in the condo community where Jason once lived. All were sales of similar
1257 square foot fourplex units located adjacent to Jason's house. They
included sales of: $81,000 in February 1997, $83,000 in June 1999,
$98,000 in June 2002, $135,000 in March 2008, $107,000 in May 2008, $123,000
in July 2008, and $135,000 in October 2008. Shafer sold Jason's house for
$47,000 in July of 2010. Jason states that he did not receive an accounting
of the sale, nor one penny from the proceeds.)
On Friday, February 28, INSIDE VEGAS called
Jared Shafer at his home and on his cell phone leaving messages asking
him to explain what happened to Jason's money. Our calls were not returned.
(Maybe I should have blocked the caller ID?).
In the late 1970s, Jared Shafer was originally
appointed Clark County Public Administrator and Public Guardian by then-County
Commissioner Manny Cortez. Current Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto,
the daughter of the late Manny Cortez, has twice refused to respond to
complaints filed with her office that involved exploitation by her father's
old friend Jared Shafer.
Recently, another Shafer crony, current
Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson, dropped nineteen of twenty
felony exploitation of the elderly charges against Shafer's
case worker, employee, and certified guardian Patience Bristol.
Because no Nevada law enforcement agency
has intervened, INSIDE VEGAS will distribute this column to an extensive
list of federal law enforcement officials, and national news media contacts
in hope of ending at least one sociopath's reign of terror.
(Please CLICK
HERE to view Part Two of video where Jason tells his story in his
own words)
Robbery Under Color Of Law!
Additional documents show Shafer
is still bleeding the assets of a millionaire ward paying himself a total
of $432,043.00 in fees five years after ward's death
Arrest Warrant Issued For "Guardian" Jared E. Shafer's Protégé
Patience Bristol
The warrant for Bristol's arrest listed
fifteen felony counts including four counts of "Exploiting Old/Vulnerable
Persons," eight counts of "First Degree Burglary," and three counts of
"Obtaining Money/Property/Labor Under False Pretense."
all odds
Daughter of WW2 vet succeeds in terminating
Jared E. Shafer's Nevada guardianship and a California conservatorship
dictated by Shafer
Hands" Suing For Defamation
"Who wrote this report? Who have I bribed?
What judges? WHAT BULLSHIT!" - Private Guardian Jared E. Shafer
E. Shafer Loses Guardianship
Looted Senior Citizen Returns To Claim
Home And Possessions After Winning Termination In A Bitter Sweet Victory
bled from 93-year-old's trust during battle
Elder Abuse Likely - Under
Color Of Law
91 year old WW2 hero pleads to be allowed
to spend his final days with family in California. Private Guardian Jared
E. Shafer signals his displeasure to Family Court Judge Jon Norheim who
refuses to permit Olvera to leave LV. Family defies court and moves patriarch
to Santa Cruz County while funds continue to be drained from his account
in Nevada to pay lawyers to fight for his return.
here to view 2:27 sec. court record of Mr. Olvera's ignored plea
In 2009, Shafer
and his CPA's avoided SEC criminal prosecution by returning money
they fraudulently obtained from unknowing senior
citizens to invest in a Ponzi
Association To Stop Guardian Abuse
Miller is particularly interested in Jason Hanson's story because Steve
is the President Emeritus
and a founder of Opportunity
Village, "Las Vegas' favorite charity." Steve was a volunteer
and served on the OV board of directors from 1967 through 1987. He was
elected Vice President for six terms, and OV President for two terms until
his retirement in 1987 to successfully run for public office.
In 1988, Steve was elected Chariman
of the Board of Goodwill Industries
of Southern Nevada where he volunteered until 1991. Altogether,
Steve has proudly volunteered his time to serve those with special needs
for over 25 years of his life.