Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Mutiny at the Crazy
Horse Too
What a difference
four years can make!
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
November 20, 2006
9 PM Friday, Nov. 15, 2002
( photo by Mike
9 PM Friday, Nov. 16, 2006
( photo by
Mike Christ)
LAS VEGAS - Following Crazy Horse Too
founder Rick Rizzolo's conviction for tax evasion and racketeering, a
suspected straw man was muscled through a cursory licensing process at
City Hall.
The violence plagued topless bar was allowed to re-open on a temporary
six month basis so it can purportedly be sold to pay back taxes and
fines, along with paying damages to, and the legal fees of a man whose
neck was broken by a bar bouncer in 2001. However, business is not the
same as it once was, nor are the former employees happy knowing their
once-boss may only have to spend a few months in Federal Prison after
his Dec. 6 sentencing because of their less-than-voluntary cooperation.
More on this later.
In the bloody old days, many
unscrupulous Crazy Horse Too dancers extorted customers by inflating
their credit card tabs. The club once had over 200 independent
contractor strippers -- many who paid bouncers to threaten or beat up
customers who balked at paying thousands of dollars in bogus charges
for lap dances and liquor. Many Crazy Horse customers complained they
were drugged before being forced to sign and thumb print credit card
After Rizzolo's conviction
along with the lawyer-coerced guilty pleas of 16 of his goons, these
facts were revealed in media reports. Hence, the drastic drop in
business and abundance of hard feelings toward Rizzolo from his former
employees whom he had ostensibly provided free defense attorney
Back in 2002, several complaints were
filed with the Las Vegas Fire Department saying valets at the topless
bar were blocking Fire Exits with cars they couldn't find on-site
parking spaces for. Later it was discovered the same valets were using
a Fire Lane for additional parking. The business was going that well in spite of its' illicit
method of operation.
LVFD officials refused to respond to the complaints - probably based on
pressure from the tenth floor of City Hall where Mayor Oscar
Goodman was formerly Rizzolo's criminal defense attorney and still has
financial ties to his business through his law partner David Chesnoff
who represents other Crazy Horse clients.

Valet-parked-cars block Fire Lane - Aug. 2002
( photo by Mike Christ)
Four years later, the Crazy Horse has
plenty of parking and doesn't need to violate local and state parking
laws because their business has dropped to a trickle of what it once
was. However, old habits die hard.

Valet cones off
Handicapped Parking space after telling disabled man to move.
Note Handicapped parking sign on post, and
wheelchair emblem under cones.
( photo by Mike Christ)
Last Friday,
Don DiCarlo needed to get his car repaired, so he visited his long-time
friend Buffalo Jim Barrier at his garage located next to the Crazy
Horse Too.
After being told he could not park in a posted Handicapped Parking
space in the common area shared by the two businesses, DiCarlo signed a
notarized affidavit stating:
Friday November 16, at 6:25 PM, I tried to pull into the handicapped
parking space in front of the Crazy Horse Too when the valet
refused to let me park after I questioned him about the 'Handicap' sign
there. He refused to
let me park after I tried to explain about the sign which I have used
many times coming to Allstate Auto Repair. He stated to me the space
was not available at night and said it became a valet space at night. I
have heart disease for several years and the valet walked away from me
when I tried to explain my condition. I had to park a half block
Based on my past experience as a volunteer for Nevada's two biggest
charities dealing with handicapped persons, Barrier phoned to tell me
of the sad situation.
I had the honor of authoring and
sponsoring the City and State Handicapped Parking ordinances. I fully
know the needs of disabled drivers, so I was appalled at what I heard.
I summoned photographer Mike Christ to record the
event so the City Attorney and attorneys for the Americans with
Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) could be notified.
If Mr. DiCarlo wishes to take action in Federal Court based on this
clear violation of the A.D.A. and his civil rights, the above photo
will be all the evidence he needs.
But that's not all that troubles me about the reincarnated Crazy Horse
After its' new owner Mike
Signorelli promised the City Council that crimes that had previously
occurred would cease, Thursday Nov. 9 at 10 AM, a grossly intoxicated
or drugged patron was observed staggering out of the bar's front
entrance toward his parked car.
The man in his early 50's
staggered toward the CH2 parking area under the
Sahara overpass, but before reaching his vehicle, fell
to the ground unconscious.
Employees of Allstate Auto
called 911, and the man who could not be fully revived was transported
to UMC.
In past years, numerous
complaints were filed with STOP DUI, the City, and Metro Police
regarding CH2 management and employees ignoring Alcohol
Awareness (TIPS) laws designed to keep intoxicated persons from
No local public agency ever
The unidentified man in these
photos taken by Buffalo Jim Barrier was about to drive away from the
bar. The CH2 is located adjacent to a low income neighborhood filled
with small children. Intoxicated CH2 patrons have often been
observed speeding through this neighborhood.
Witnesses state that in the past when they called 911 to report DUI's
coming out of the bar's parking lot, they were told to call "Crazy
Horse Security" instead, with no further action taken.
It's suspected that a top
Metro official once ordered all calls relating to the Crazy Horse
be referred to him before units were dispatched.
Also, a number of patrons have
reported that they were drugged,
possibly with GHB (the date rape drug), then forced to sign the hugely
inflated credit card tabs. Several ended up in the E. R. for drug or
alcohol overdoses after attending the club.
GHB cannot be detected in blood or hair follicle samples, so its the
perfect "Mickey Finn."
Then there was this:
At 9:15 PM, Saturday November
4, a wooden pallet was placed against the wall separating the Crazy
Horse from Allstate Auto. The pallet was clearly visible to CH2
security officers who patrol the parking lot.
It's suspected that the pallet
was used as a ladder to access the roof of the building that houses the
two businesses because an evaporative cooler was removed from the roof
of Allstate, and someone gained entrance into the garage.
Motion sensors alerted ADT
Security who notified Barrier. He immediately called a nearby business
owner and asked him to drive by and take a look. The business
owner reported that several Crazy Horse bouncers were standing in
front of Barrier's business, but there was no one visible inside.
When Barrier arrived several
minutes later he discovered the opening in the roof, however no one was
present and nothing had been stolen or disturbed.
Barrier speculates that
someone broke in to look for information, photos, plant contraband, or
install listening devices.
Barrier has a multi-million
dollar harassment
lawsuit pending against his landlord Rick Rizzolo who for several
years has been trying to force Barrier to move without compensation.
Barrier has also been monitoring the operation of the topless bar and
photographs infractions of conditions placed upon the business by the
Federal Court or City Council, something that has infuriated his Mob
neighbors and their friends at City Hall.
Since the bar reopened, Barrier
photographed barred persons, and the man who passed out trying to walk
to his car. Barrier's evidence of barred persons on the
property caused the Las Vegas City Council on Nov. 1 to call an emergency
hearing and remind the bar's new owner to prohibit Rizzolo family
members or the 16 convicted felons from entering the business --
conditions that were the basis of granting the temporary license.
After the break in, Barrier said he was
forced to install high tech surveillance equipment that records any
movement inside and outside the business 24 hours per day. In the event
another break in occurs, he hopes to provide police and the court with
photos of the intruders. In the meantime, he had his business scanned
for listening devices, and is searching for illegal objects or
substances that may have been planted there.
Within the next week, the former pro
wrestler says he'll link his TV cameras to the Internet so anyone can
monitor his business 24/7. He has also placed hidden cameras outside
his garage that are directed toward the Crazy Horse parking lot where
many beatings and other crimes have occurred.
When his "BufCams" are up and
running, I'll provide a link so my readers can watch the goings on at
the little garage that fearlessly stands up to the Vegas Mob.
Barrier's relentless crusade to stop the extortion and mayhem has
earned him the title of Las
Vegas' Most Colorful Character from
the readers of the Review-Journal.
He also says his business has never been better based on all the free
In the meantime, a
reliable source inside the Crazy Horse reports Rick Rizzolo has not stepped foot on his
own property; that
Mike Signorelli is "running the place into the ground;" and "nobody's
making any money."
He also said the 16 employees who say Rizzolo "rolled on
them" are preparing a lawsuit against him -- this time through their
own attorneys.
Another source in the club expects Rizzolo to foreclose on
Signorelli soon because he's not paying the agreed upon $14,000 per day
rent. My source also referred to Signorelli as a "moron" who sleeps in
the back office most of the time while employees "rob the place blind."
One CH2 employee told me, "Right now I'm not making any money. I stay
there to keep my health insurance and collect my small pay check each
However, Signorelli in 2000 was sued for allegedly "looting"
his employee's health insurance premiums at a casino he bankrupted
in Mesquite, Nevada. The Mesquite Star Casino was later
turned around by Randy Black and today operates at a profit, thereby
lending credence to those who accuse Signorelli of lacking business
DiApiece, the CH2 bouncer who broke the neck of Kansas tourist Kirk
Henry, was observed inside the club within the past week. DiApiece
was convicted of several felonies and is not allowed on the property --
another violation of Federal Court and City Council orders -- but Mike
Signorelli evidently didn't know he was there, or didn't care.
Several of the 16 former employees have reportedly
threatened to beat up Rick Rizzolo if they see him. Many still have
connections inside the club and will know of his presence. They
certainly know their craft based on the years of beatings they rendered
on innocent tourists, so he must be very concerned to be staying away
from his own building.
My source also tells me that the 16 former employees feel they were
duped by Rizzolo's attorney Tony Sgro into plea
bargaining so Rizzolo could get off with a lighter
This, in total contrast to a description I was given in 2004 by someone
who entered Rizzolo's inner sanctum:
"If the guest is fortunate enough to be invited
to escort his host around the topless club the first time of the night,
when he enters the room, he can witness every single floor man he comes
in contact with, come up to the boss and respectfully kiss his cheek.
If you wanted to be a soldier for this leader, what would you do when
some customer has the nerve to refuse to pay tribute to your leader's
sanctuary or one of his 'broads?' I'm only surprised that they don't
wear spats with their tuxedos and brass knuckles."
Now these same floor men -- men who once kissed Rizzolo's cheek -- may
want to seek revenge against him.
Keep in mind that Rizzolo was convicted for the first time, and most of
the 16 men are two and three time losers. All 16
are currently awaiting sentencing -- may face longer terms than Rizzolo
-- and could meet up with their ex-boss in Federal Prison around the
first of the year.
Some of the 16 are reportedly having second and third thoughts about
having plea bargained after being convinced to do so by Rizzolo's loyal
attorney Tony Sgro. Many feel Sgro tricked them into signing so his
biggest client could get off.
The Crazy Horse Too
temporary liquor
license comes
before the City Council for its' 90 day review on January 3.
Information regarding violations of the City's rulings will be made
available to all Council members prior to the hearing.
Signorelli's six month temporary license will automatically expire on
April 4.
City Attorney Brad Jerbic on Nov. 1, told Councilman Steve Ross that an
elected official would have to personally schedule an item on the April
4 Council Agenda to discuss the granting of a permanent liquor license
to Mike Signorelli. But I doubt any Council member would want to attach
their name to such a request after learning of all the infractions
Signorelli is committing, and how closely this case is being watched by
Federal Organized Crime authorities.
It's not known whether Rizzolo's man at City Hall -- Business License
Director Jim DiFiore -- has the legal authority to personally place
such an item on the agenda. If he does, it will be in direct
contradiction to the opinion given Councilman Ross by the City
Attorney, and may inspire even more Federal scrutiny of City Hall.
Until this "public
nuisance" and "threat
to the community" is ended once and for all, INSIDE VEGAS columns, and Steve Miller
Insider E-Briefs on this subject, will be made available to all
concerned at City Hall, the FBI, and Federal Court. Meanwhile, Jim
Barrier pledges to continue his 24 hour vigilance and reports.
© Steve Miller
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
Copyright © Steve Miller
email Steve Miller at: